How Can I Detect A Water Leak Before Digging?

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How Can I Detect A Water Leak Before Digging?

How Detect Water Leak Before Digging

A water leak can be a disaster for your home. They often occur when the water pressure in your pipes is higher than the surrounding soil’s ability to absorb it. This means that if you don’t catch it early on, there will eventually be a major problem – financially and structurally.

You need to know how to detect any signs of a water leak before digging up your floor or hacking into your walls. You want to avoid unnecessary costs by finding out where the leak is coming from as soon as possible and take preventative measures against further damage. You might be asking yourself: “how can I detect a water leak before digging?” That is why in this article, we’ll tackle the following tips to help you:

  • Check Inside And Outside Your House For Possible Signs
  • Check Your Bathroom For Signs Of Water Leakage
  • Check The Kitchen Or Laundry Room For Signs Of Water Leakage 
  • Check The Laundry Room For Signs Of Water Leakage 
  • Check Your Water Meter For Irregularities

1). Check Inside And Outside Your House For Possible Signs

The first step to water leak detection in your home is looking inside and outside. Some questions to keep in mind include the following: Do the floors feel spongy? Does it smell like mould or mildew anywhere in the vicinity near potential sources such as an attic crawlspace, basement (if you have one), furnace area, plumbing stacks and drains that could be leaking from above-ground pipes outside?

Walk around your property and look for damp spots on walls near plumbing fixtures as well as outside places where pipes may come up through external walls or enter buildings via outdoor faucets such as patios, decks, etc. Listen for running water inside or outside of your house that you can’t find an explanation for or use a hose to check all of the pipes in and around your house, including ones in the yard and under the driveway.

Other quick signs to look out for include damp patches, condensation between panes/glass surfaces; cloudy glass surface (frost), browning leaves near window sills, etc., musty odours from behind furniture such as closets or cabinets which may indicate mould.

How Detect Water Leak Before Digging

2). Check Your Bathroom For Signs Of Water Leakage

Bathrooms are the one room in your house that commonly has a water leak. If you are noticing a musty odour in your bathroom, for example, it’s possible that there is an undetected water leak somewhere near the toilet, sink, or shower. This odour can be due to mould growth. 

Try searching for traces of mould growth on surfaces like grout and tiles as well as wet spots below sinks and other fixtures. Checking for wet spots below sinks and other fixtures to see if it seems likely that your floors are getting moist because of seepage from someplace else is also part of this.

To determine if there is a possible water leak in your toilet, try lifting the toilet cover and listening for a hissing sound. A helpful trick to try out is to place some food colouring in your toilet tank and check it after about 10 minutes to see if there are any signs of colour change or leakage. You can also do this trick in other places near the floor where you think there is a leakage. 

While searching for leaks, make sure to turn off all sinks, toilets, and other sources of water so that they don’t use up more water than necessary. 

3). Check The Kitchen For Signs Of Water Leakage 

While we’re in the kitchen, it’s important to check for signs of leakage. You need to make sure that there are no dripping faucets or running water under the sink before turning on any appliances with electricity. 

Check the kitchen fixtures to make sure that they are not leaking. Look for water stains, rusty pipes, or a damp feel on your hands when you touch them. If you notice water coming from underneath your sink or hear a gurgling sound, it could be indicative of leakage inside the kitchen. Or, if you’re noticing wet spots on the floor or hearing weird noises near your pipes in the wall and under sinks, then there may be leaks blooming into other parts of your home!

4). Check The Laundry For Signs Of Water Leakage 

The laundry is another important place to check for signs of water leakage. If you see spots on your walls, it could be a sign that there’s been an issue with plumbing or roof leaks in this area before. This area will need extra drying time after doing laundry as these stains tend to reemerge quickly if not taken care of properly.

Inspect the laundry room periodically and look out for wet spots on floors, walls, or in sinks as well as any dampness around your washing machine area. The laundry can be a great hiding spot where most people don’t notice what’s going on unless they’re looking closely enough, so look carefully!

How Detect Water Leak Before Digging

5). Check Your Water Meter For Irregularities

Water meter irregularities can be used as a tip-off. If you check your water meter and happen to notice that it is running faster than usual or just not moving at all then there may be a leak somewhere between the house and where the meter is located on public property. Checking for water meter irregularities can help save money by preventing costly repairs! 

Need Help With Water Leaks? Call A Plumber For Help!

If you suspect that water is leaking underneath your property, it’s time to check for leaks. It may seem like a simple task at first glance, but there are many sneaky ways that the leak can be hidden from view or even undetectable. If you need a water leak service, call a plumber immediately and get the job done quickly.

If you suspect you have a water leak, please call us at Water Leak Detection for a free consultation today on 1300 425 325 or leave an inquiry on our website.
